Keeping Your Grout Clean

Keeping your tile grout could be such a chore.  It seems to get dirty quickly, especially on your kitchen and bathroom floors.  

Here are a few tips to keep that grout looking its best. 

First, be sure to seal the grout. Most grout seals wear away within 6 months so resealing every six months or so will help make it easier to maintain.  

To seal your grout:  First, purchase the sealant of your choice.  There are many sealants to choose from so be sure to read the lables to choose which is best for you job. Some are just meant for marble or granite, and others for dark tile, etc.  

Before you start, clear the room of anything that the sealant could splash onto.  

Next, make sure the grout you are about to seal and the tile around it is free from dust and freshly cleaned.  

Wear gloves to protect your hands.  Pour the sealant onto a large sponge and then using circular motions, apply the sealant to the grout and tiles.  Start at one corner and work your way down.  Be sure to take notice which tiles you covered.  A good way to keep track of this is to work in sections of three tiles across, then go all the way down.  Then move over three more tiles and repeat. 

Be sure to keep your bathroom ventilated. 

For the times, when your grout is in need of sealing and you can’t get to it, you can use a little home remedy to keep your grout clean.  Mix 3/4 cup baking soda with 1/4 cup of bleach and scrub it into your grout with a toothbrush.  Then wipe the homemade mixture away with a wet cloth until it is all gone.  You can double this homemade recipe if you have bigger floors.  

Happy Cleaning. 🙂

Interesting Cleaning Survey Results

Here are the interesting results of a recent cleaning survey.  I think you will find them really something.  lol  Enjoy.

Cleaning under and behind large appliances was declared the most hated chore in a recent survey.

Cleaning toilets and cleaning showers and bathtubs made the top 10 list of most hated chores in our survey.

39% of survey respondents confessed that they “let the house go until dust bunnies formed, mated, and multiplied.”

22% of our survey respondents admitted they only change their sheets monthly. You’re not alone.

49% of survey respondents confessed to shoving clutter in a closet and calling the house clean.

58% of survey respondents were willing to give up something (manis/pedis, going out to eat, shoe/purse budget, etc.) if it meant they would be off cleaning duty for a year.

Where do you fit in all this?  LOL  

Happy Cleaning 🙂

Common Myth About Hand Soap

It is a common myth that soap kills germs. Plain hand soap does not have the ability to kill bacteria. It cleans hands by lifting the bacteria off the skin and then the water forces the germs off the skin and down the drain. To actually kill the germs, you need to purchase anti-bacterial soap.
